Park Camping and Hostel
Lake Velence

Velence Hostel

Suiteble for a group of a middle sized bus. The house is renewed directly at the Lake Velence with a big longue. The building also has 3 rooms with 12 beds and 2 rooms for teachers with two beds. 

In the building there is an own restroom. You can find a recently renovated water block in the immediate vicinity of the Hostel.

This is the best choise for bigger groups!

Camping and Hostel guests can enter the Park Beach area free of charge!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that as of September 1, 2021, it is mandatory to scan the guest's identity document and address card during check-in at all accommodations in Hungary. Therefore, we are obliged to request these documents from each hotel guest (including the documents of infants), in the absence of which we unfortunately have to refuse the accommodation service!

Click on the picture to view the gallery!

Velence Hostel Prices

Visit us this summer and relax in for 40 persons suitable Velene Hostel!

Wooden Houses

The wooden houses are directly at the Lake Velence. Thanks to the bunk beds, they can accommodate 4 people. The restroom and the water block are located separately in the camping area.

Our guests staying in our hostels and wooden houses can enter the Park Strand area free of charge!

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that as of September 1, 2021, it is mandatory to scan the guest's identity document and address card during check-in at all accommodations in Hungary. Therefore, we are obliged to request these documents from each hotel guest (including the documents of infants), in the absence of which we unfortunately have to refuse the accommodation service!

Click on the picture to view the gallery!

Wooden hoses prices

Visit us this summer and relax in our wooden houses at Lake Velence! !

Freetime activities

Thanks to Park Camping's proximity to nature, a multitude of leisure programs await you here. While hiking, you can visit the Pákozd Ingóköv, the Pákozd Military Memorial Park, the Dinnyés Castle Park and Skanzen, but you can also cycle around Lake Velencei, and you can even rent a canoe or SUP nearby, which you can use to visit the reed islands floating on the lake.

In addition, we can recommend the city center of Székesfehérvár to lovers of cultural programs, which can be reached in half an hour from Park Camping by bus, train and car.


The Park Strand is located in the "belly" of the Venezia-tavi campsite, which stretches 200 meters from the shore of the lake. A separate section with a water depth of 90 cm is available for children, and from the summer of 2020, a slowly deepening sandy beach will ensure the experience of cloudless paddling!

On the beach, the Safety Service and lifeguard take care of maintaining safe bathing conditions. We operate a safe deposit box at the reception. The variable depth of the lake's water - which, by the way, also has a tested healing effect - is excellent for swimming.

Faházak és kőbungallók

Faházaink és kőbungallóink a retro évek klasszikus hangulatát és színvonalát idézik, valamint are directly at the Lake Velence. helyezkednek el. Faházaink az emeletes ágyaknak köszönhetően 4 fő befogadására alkalmasak, míg a kőbungallókban 2 fő fér el. Mind a két szálláslehetőség esetében a mellékhelyiség, valamint a vizesblokk a kemping területén helyezkedik el.

Freetime activities

A Park Hostel természetközeliségének köszönhetően szabadidős programok sokasága vár itt rátok. Túrázva ellátogathattok a Pákozdi Katonai Emlékművekhez, vagy akár az ingókövekhez, de körbebiziklizhetitek a Velencei-tavat, lehetőségetek van kenut, valamint SUP-ot bérelni, amellyel bejárhatjátok a tavon úszó nádsziget labirintusokat.

Ezen kívül a kulturális programok kedvelőinek tudjuk ajánlani Székesfehérvár belvárosát, amely fél órán belül elérhető a Park Kempingtől busszal, vonattal és autóval egyaránt.


A velencei-tavi hostel közvetlen közelében található a Park Strand, amely 200 méter hosszan terül el a tó partján. A gyermekek részére 90 cm vízmélységű elkülönített rész áll rendelkezésre. A Strand területén vízibicikli, kajak kölcsönzők, büfék működnek.

A strandon Biztonsági Szolgálat és vízimentős vigyáz a biztonságos fürdőzés körülményeinek megőrzésére. A recepción értékmegőrzőt üzemeltatünk. A mély víz úszásra kiválóan alkalmas.

A Park Strand látogatóit legnagyobb részben a Park Kemping lakói alkotják, ezáltal tud megmaradni napról-napra a strand szűrt vendégköre.

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